Shop floors see a lot of foot traffic and this Slate Tiled floor installed in a mobile phone retail outlet Chapel Market, Islington was certainly no different resulting in the floor becoming dull and tired over time. Were happy to cover Residential and Commercial property however in this case we had to wait until the store had closed for the evening before we could get to work.

Cleaning the Slate Tiled Floor

The first step was to clear the floor of any moveable displays and anything we couldn’t move was covered in a plastic sheet to protect it from splashing. We then set about cleaning the slate tiled floor by applying Tile Doctor Pro-Clean diluted one part Pro-Clean to four parts water, this was left to dwell on the floor for a short while before working it into the floor with a rotary machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad. We used a grout brush to clean out the grout lines and then removed the soiled cleaning solution with a wet vacuum to see how it looked.

Slate Floor London Phone Shop Before

A quick inspection revealed more work was required, there were a few areas of ground in dirt and a stronger dilution of Pro-Clean was applied to clean these up, a number of these areas were proving stubborn so we mixed the Pro-Clean with NanoTech Ultra Clean which adds tiny abrasive particles to the cleaning agent which makes for a very effective cleaner.

The wet vacuum was brought in again to remove the soiled cleaning solution and we inspected the floor again. We were happy with the results so we rinsed the slate tile and grout down with clean water a number of tiles to wash away any remaining cleaning agents and neutralise the floor before sealing. A number of fan blowers were then switched on to help the floor dry and we took a break.

Sealing Slate Tiled Floor

Once the floor was dry we proceeded to seal it with Tile Doctor Seal and Go which provides good stain protection with a low sheen finish, slate is quite porous and it took five coats before it was fully sealed.

We managed to complete the job in a single evening and the shop manager was very pleased with the results.

Slate Floor London Phone Shop After

Source: Slate Tile Cleaning and Sealing in Islington